Alice on Wednesday (水曜日のアリス) Haul!
My favorite store in all of Osaka is this one. I can't get over how adorable it is, with it's many doors, tiny entrance, and adorable decor. I really feel like I'm entering an exciting, strange world when I walk through the entrance!
As usual, I went on a weekday, and Kevin even joined me this time! I got myself a bunch of earrings, but I feel like this time around there were more for non-pierced ears than pierced ears. I didn't find any amazing necklaces, they were all pretty dainty and on short chains (I like long ones), so it wasn't really my style. But that doesn't mean I didn't get any earrings!
How cute are those? They're great for when I want something on my ears, but don't want to be really dangly.
These are the complete opposite of the other earrings. They're dangly, adorable, and I love how they are mismatching.
These are bigger than you probably think they are, which is really, really cute. I think they'd be great for Christmas or New Years.
I wore these ones the most when I was in Japan. Gotta love keys!
I got a hair clip, which I haven't gotten before. I'm in between growing out some short bangs, so I'm at an awkward length that doesn't really look good down. So this clip was perfect for clipping back those awkward tresses!
They had some adorable cell phone cases, I think there were about four different designs. I opted for the one with Alice on it that looked like pretty Victorian wallpaper.
And I picked up these candies for my coworker! they're larger than the ones that I am used to, and they were individually wrapped, which was nice. Kevin thought all the food things were really fun. Wish I could have taken a picture! The adorableness of this store always gets me. I love it!
Check out my first Alice on Wednesday post here!