
Kaka'ako Street Art

by - 9/26/2016

When I was in college, Kaka'ako wasn't somewhere you'd hang out. Nobody would say, "Hey, let's go to Kaka'ako!" Nobody really lived in that area (since there weren't really any residential buildings), and it was just kind of that area between Restaurant Row and Ward. Honestly the only time I ever went down there was to see my roommate perform at a tiny theater (that might not even be there anymore). Now, though, Kaka'ako has become this thriving epicenter of art and diversity thanks to development funding by Kamehameha Schools and Castle & Cook through a project called Our Kaka'ako; a $60 million project that aims to develop urban living by melding it with sustainability and green spaces. Full development of the area is expected to take 15 to 20 years, but for now, it is the home of POW! WOW! and the popular Honolulu Night Market. The area is, dare I say, "hipster." 

So what brought me to Kaka'ako, finally? Well, I was on Oahu for the day and had some time to kill. There were two things that drew me to the area: the amazing murals that are on many of the buildings, and the copious amounts of Pokemon that are in that area. You heard me. Don't judge. 

Kevin and I spent maybe an hour in that area, and it looks nothing like what I remember from my college days. There are new buildings everywhere, new buildings being built, and artwork. Just artwork everywhere, on humongous scales. The art changes yearly during POW! WOW!, which is a week-long event that happens during the week of Valentines Day. So, if you want to see this particular artwork, get to Kaka'ako before then! 

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