December 2016 Beauteque BB Bag Review

December's BB bag had some pretty decent items that I was excited about. I feel like November's bag didn't have a whole lot of skincare items, but this bag definitely made up for that!
Total value: Just under $67.00

December 2016's theme was "Clean Slate," so items seemed to be based around some sort of cleansing. Toning, a face wash, pore clearing product, pumice, you get the idea.
The bag, however, was SO. UGLY. This is like the bag that my dad keeps his bills in, something you can get in the office supply section of Walmart for $2.00. Was disappointed.
VOV Color Song Eyes ($5.50)
This is a pretty, shimmery eyeshadow. It's good for the inner corners, eye bag (if you're into that look), and if you wet the brush or use some MAC Fix +, it's really shimmery on the lids!
Scinic All Day Fine Pore Control Toner ($21.99)
This toner is formulated with oak apple and ivy extracts and it is supposed to tighten and prime pores. It also says it dries to a powdery finish, but I always put on moisturizer and stuff right after I use it, so I can't really vouch for that.
I have noticed, since using this product, that my pores are a bit less visible. So I'd say this toner is a keeper.
Kinepin Wheet Feet Stone ($8.00)
This pumice is a pretty pink color, and on the other side it has a brush. It also has a hole in it so you can easily hang it in the shower (where I use and keep it).
Tsaio Charcoal Deep Purifying Cleanser ($14.00)
I was shocked by how nice this product smells! It's almost citrusy, really pleasant. It contains charcoal, which pulls impurities from your pores. It also contains essential oils to keep your skin from getting too dried out. Maybe using this and the toner together is what's been making my pores less visible? Either way, I like the smell of this product, and I like that my skin feels cleansed and not squeaky after I use it.
Holika Holika Pig Nose Clear Steam Starter ($12.00)
Can we talk about how cute this packaging is? This is a gel product that you rub on your nose or your whole face, if you want to, and it is supposed to loosen blackheads and absorb excess oil in your pores. I use it on my nose before I use my curette on my blackheads. I'm not really sure if it helps or not, to be honest. I have to use it a bit more.
Tony Moly Kiss Kiss Lovely Lip Patch ($5.00)
This patch is for dry, chapped lips. Great for cold weather. I've tried a product like this from The Face Shop and I didn't care for it. I found it pretty gimmicky, hard to keep on my face, and I feel like this doesn't do anything that a lip balm won't do, and at least with a lip balm you can pay $5.00 to use it many, many times, as opposed to one-time use.
Overall, I really liked what I got in the December BB Bag. I didn't care for the bag, but I really like the toner, cleanser, and pore gel!